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Recreation Therapy

Brittany, our Director of Recreation, leads a cooking group.

Meet our Day Center Recreation Team!

Insight is fortunate to have an amazing recreation staff leading participants in a variety of activities each day. Whether it’s brain fitness, a new art project, music therapy, or interacting with technologies like the multi-sensory room, the Obie, or virtual reality, our rec team provides engagement and support to participants in all stages of their dementia journey. As we celebrate Recreation Therapy Month, meet the rec team!

Brittany Grays-Thomas

What is your favorite activity?
I love exploring the city, trying new restaurants, singing karaoke, art, DIY projects, and spending time outside.

What is your favorite activity to do with our participants?
I love doing fitness exercises with participants. Everyone enjoys it and practicing that mobility helps to keep their independence.

Do you have any advice for families keeping loved ones engaged at home?
Be present, be patient, be kind, and offer reassurance.

Carl Coffee

What is your favorite activity?
Hangout with my girlfriend and her kids. Visit my parents and swim in their lake (summer). Thrift store shopping. Hiking. This year I am joining a 40 and over wooden bat baseball league.

What is your favorite activity to do with our participants?
I enjoy the smaller group activities when I can have personal connections/conversations with the participants. For example, I did a puzzle with a group of two and it was so fun and rewarding.

Do you have any advice for families keeping loved ones engaged at home?
Never hesitate to sing with them, dance with them or joke with them. I’ve learned just how fun the participants are, and their sense of humor is still there at full force.

Chrystal Jones

What is your favorite activity?
Some of my favorite activities to do on the weekend is to go to different types of restaurants with rooftop bars, live jazz clubs and sip & paints. I also like to catch up on sleep from my very busy week.

What is your favorite activity to do with our participants?
I study their behaviors and research by reading about them, so my favorite activity is doing anything that stimulates them in a positive way, allowing them to feel happy. I like to do activities that exercises the five senses as well as motor skills and having fun with creativity.

Do you have any advice for families keeping loved ones engaged at home?
The best tip that I can give families to keep their love ones engaged in activities at home is to keep them encouraged. Allow them to do small things around the house, change up a routine to something they may enjoy, find activities or meet up groups to keep them social in an environment that they are comfortable in.

Jimmy Porter

What is your favorite activity?
Reading History Books, Watching Hockey (Washington Capitals), and Hiking around Virginia with friends.

What is your favorite activity to do with our participants?
Discussions on history, balloon volleyball, and Family Feud (because I get to be the host)

Do you have any advice for families keeping loved ones engaged at home?
Make sure to smile and have a good time with them, because emotions are contagious. Really listen to what they say during activities and read up on what they like to do/talk about. Being well informed on their interests will go a long way for sparking enthusiasm.

Sarah Richart

What is your favorite activity?
I like to embroider, hike, and read! I love being outside.

What is your favorite activity to do with our participants?
I love doing our "travelogues" and learning about all the places our participants have traveled. Using our virtual reality and google earth, they can show me around places they've visited or lived, all over the world! Every time I talk to them, they add more places to my travel bucket list.

Do you have any advice for families keeping loved ones engaged at home?
Don't be afraid to try new things! Many of our participants flourish in activities that they've never tried before, or previously didn't gravitate towards. Some participants claim to be terrible at sports but have a great time playing darts. Others never picked up a paint brush and then thrive in our art programs.




Still curious about what Recreation Therapy really is? Read more in It's Recreation Therapy Month...what exactly is rec therapy?

And get to know our Early Stage Recreation Team!






"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."