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Where We're Going

We aim to create a community where those affected by Alzheimer’s disease can achieve the highest quality of life. Our board of directors spent many hours over the past year brainstorming how Insight can best continue to serve families living with dementia. They developed new strategic goals to guide us over the next three years. We’re working towards this vision in three ways:

1. Expand early stage programs

We hear time and time again, “If only I had known about you sooner!” Insight is aiming to reach people earlier in the disease process to support families from the beginning of the journey (and the whole way through). From those first steps after diagnosis, to planning for the future, and staying engaged in early stage programs, we’re here to help. We want to expand our early stage programs in the Northern Virginia and greater metro area. We are starting with plans to expand in Loudoun County.

2. Explore additional services

As we all certainly learned over the last year: needs change. Who could have predicted the huge increase in demand for virtual services without a pandemic? Insight is always striving to provide quality services to meet the needs of our caregivers. Many times this includes simply asking, “how else can we help?” We plan to continue exploring additional services to meet the needs of people living with dementia and their care partners.

“The SHARE program has really been invaluable to my patients with a new diagnosis because they get the family-based counseling that is so vital at that stage. There is no way I could provide that type of care for my patients without your help.”         -Dr. James Bicksel

3. Ensure quality programs

At Insight, we pride ourselves on offering personalized care for everyone. Care plans are tailored to individual interests in the Day Center, families are offered support based on their current needs. We know from our annual surveys that our programs are effective. As Insight continues to grow, we are dedicated to continuing to offer a high level of quality care. We will be working with researchers and experts as we continue to provide quality and effective programs, and build upon evidence-based outcomes and evaluations.


Learn more about what we've been up to and how we got here in our 2020-2021 Annual Report.








"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."