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Connect with us on our Summer Travel Series!

Social connection is a cornerstone of the programs we offer at Insight. Whether it is plugging those who have dementia into the right recreation program, or covering the much need education topic for a caregiver, our main job here at Insight is to connect. We work to connect people to the right support systems and programs that allow them to live fulfilling, meaningful lives while simultaneously battling a dementia diagnosis. One of our programs that truly connects people is our Memory Café.

What is a memory café?

The café is an opportunity for caregivers and their loved one to meet with others for support, companionship, and fun! The program provides structured activities to promote reminiscence, cognition, and engagement. In order to keep our loved ones safe, we are hosting memory cafés virtually for the foreseeable future.

This summer we have committed to our “Summer Travel Series” discussing the history of France, Italy Germany, various states across the U.S. We invite you to join us as we continue our travels this summer.

Memory cafés are open to any care partners, and their loved ones with dementia. It is our goal that everyone feels they have a safe place to connect, and we are striving to provide that space, even through a global pandemic.

We invite new faces, regulars and everyone in between to join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday for community and fun!

To sign-up for a memory café, visit our event calendar and select the date you’d like to attend! You can also learn more about area memory cafes too.

Looking for more information?

Contact Us!

Contact our Education Team at or 703-204-4664.