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Family Support

Care Partner Support Programs

Dementia is a family disease. Care partners and families are also affected by a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, dementia or memory impairment, and it is important to recognize the importance of this role. 

The Alzheimer's Association reports:

  • 70% of dementia caregivers say that coordinating care is stressful. 
  • Two-thirds also have difficulty finding resources and support for their needs.
  • 74% of dementia caregivers say that they are concerned about maintaining their own health since becoming a caregiver.

Insight is here for care partners too! We offer a variety of support services for families to provide practical solutions to caregiving challenges, plan for the future, and build a community of support from those on a similar journey.

  • Led by experts in dementia care, support groups offer people in like circumstances the chance to share practical advice, discuss frustrations and fears and connect with others who are on a similar journey.

  • Every situation is unique. Insight can meet with families in person or by phone to discuss a family’s specific needs or challenges and make recommendations of area resources that may be appropriate.

  • A multi-week series that provides families with a recent diagnosis an opportunity to discuss values and preferences for care, in order to build a strong network of support they can rely on now, and in the future.

  • Meet-Ups are an informal way for current care partners and families to meet, chat, and get to know one another! You are welcome to stop in and stay as long as you'd like.

  • The café is an opportunity for care partners and their loved one to meet with others for support, companionship, and fun, with activities to promote reminiscence, cognition, and engagement.

  • Meet Me: Community Outings are free, and give families living with early stage memory loss an opportunity to connect and stay engaged in the community, in a safe and supportive way.

Looking for more information?

Contact Us!

Contact our Support Team at or 703-204-4664.