Refreshment for the Caregiver's Spirit

Sharing her own experience caring for her mom, join us for a presentation with author, Loretta Woodward Veney. She offers practical tips, tools and activities for lifting care partners’ spirits and uncovering their joy through the toughest challenges of caregiving and launching into the new year.
This class will be held virtually. Log-in information will be sent to registrants prior to the class. This program is a part of our monthly Care Partner Training series. All sessions are FREE, and held the second Wednesday of each month from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.
Loretta Woodward Veney
Loretta Woodward Veney is an author, speaker and care partner to her Mom Doris, who was diagnosed with dementia in 2006. In 2013, Loretta wrote the book, Being My Mom's Mom, which highlights the first six years of the family's dementia journey. Loretta had the unwavering support of her husband Tim who did everything possible to be of help to Doris along this journey, and together they were Team Veney!
In the summer of 2016, after almost 31 years of marriage, Tim passed away while he and Loretta were traveling in NY. To help with her grief, Loretta took photos that she and Tim had taken over their many years of travel, added her motivational words to them and compiled them into another book called Refreshment for the Caregiver's Spirit. Loretta dedicated this book to Tim and hopes that it will inspire caregivers through tough days and long nights.