The Art of Activities and Engagement

How can you reconnect with someone with dementia? Keeping their current abilities in mind, learn ways to keep your loved one engaged in personalized activities.
This class will be held virtually. Log-in information will be sent to registrants prior to the class. This program is a part of our monthly Care Partner Training series. All sessions are FREE, and held the second Wednesday of each month from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.
Melissa Long, Director of Education and Support
Melissa is a graduate of the University of Southern Maine with a B.S. in Therapeutic Recreation and Leisure Studies and a minor in Health Studies. Melissa is a certified recreational therapist, certified dementia practitioner, and a Licensed BCAT® practitioner. Melissa has been providing care to older adults for 19+ years. She is also the recipient of the ATRA Frank L. Bastile Clinician of the Year 2016. She has presented at numerous conferences and has published evidence-based practice programing. She has had the opportunity to live in Romania and provide sensory integration for orphans. She also held the position of Social Coordinator for participants in the Cerebral Palsy - International Sports and Recreation Association (CP- ISRA) World Championship. Through Melissa’s experience both clinically and in the community, she brings and provides out of the box thinking and support to both clients and caregivers daily.