Navigating the Holidays with Your Loved One with Dementia
The holiday season is a time of new and old traditions, and sharing in the joy and togetherness of spending time with friends and family. But for families whose loved ones are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming; and for family caregivers, oftentimes difficult to remember the joy that holidays can bring.
Kensington Senior Living is thrilled to partner with our panel of caregiver coaches and experts: Lisa Bricker, Elder Care Consultant; Melissa Long, Director of Education and Support at Insight Memory Care Center; and Monica Moore, Community Health Program Manager for the Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Research & Care. From purposeful gift ideas to creative, meaningful ways to spend time together, our experts will discuss how to adapt while caring for your loved one; and new ways to find joy in the wonderfulness of the season.