If you spend a day at Insight, you’ll see participants engaged in a variety of activities, everything from art to exercise to discussion groups. What you may not see, behind the scenes, is all the planning that goes into these activities - or recreation therapy. Beyond just filling the calendar with fun activities - which is definitely part of the job! - activities are designed to be person-centered and provide therapeutic benefits for each of our participants.
At the beginning of this year we launched our updated website, designed to make it easier for you to connect with the resources and information that will benefit you the most. Beyond the new look, here’s what you’ll see in the new experience.
The National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners awarded their Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Trainer (CADDCT) of the year to Melissa Long, our Director of Education and Support!
What’s in store for the next 40 years? Rest assured, whatever Insight looks like in the future, we will continue to meet our mission - and the need for care - for as long as our families need us.
In 2022 Insight Memory Care Center added interactive gaming technology to our day programs. While we could see the benefit of the system at our center, in 2023 we were fortunate to connect with Dr. Megumi Inoue, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at George Mason University. She proposed a research study - learn more!
Our founder shares a welcome in our annual report: "In 1984, Alzheimer’s was still in the dark ages in terms of people knowing about it, much less having services available. Caregivers asked me, if we can take care of our loved ones 24/7, why can’t there be a place where they can go for even a couple hours a week? With the help of many amazing volunteers, the day center was born. We had a waiting list before we even opened...
We truly thank you for your support for Giving Tuesday. But it's not just a day for us to ask for your support - we wanted to give back too! We had a great time celebrating on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube - sharing resources, caregiving tips, advice, and stories. Take a look below and we hope we can gift you with helpful tips this holiday season and beyond!
Insight collects program attendance and voluntary demographic information for all of our programs. This past fiscal year we served over 10,000 individuals across our care, support, and education programs, representing a 37 percent increase from the previous year!
Insight Memory Care Center’s Excellence in Memory Care Award recognizes programs and services that are models of excellence and are positively impacting memory care in our community. Congratulations to our 2024 winner, See Me at the Smithsonian!
Insight Memory Care Center’s Excellence in Memory Care Award recognizes programs and services that are models of excellence and are positively impacting memory care in our community. The 9th Annual Award will be presented at the event on October 4th. This year we have three fantastic finalists. The winner will be announced the evening of the event!
Insight completes an annual survey each spring, asking all of our participants, care partners, and families to provide their feedback on all of our programs. Here's what our families had to say about our programs over the past fiscal year, July 2023 to June 2024.
Thanks to grant funding from Fairfax County's Trauma-Informed Spaces Grant Program we were able to make updates to our Fairfax Reconnections space guided by trauma-informed design elements.