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Mind and Body Workshop participants

"Looking Forward To It!"

Mind & Body Workshop Returns

Over 15 years ago, Insight Memory Care Center developed a program designed for couples in the early stage of dementia to find new ways to connect with each other, meet other families who are walking a similar path, focus on healthy minds and bodies, and adjust to life with a new diagnosis. The Mind & Body Workshop is often the first program families attend, many still nervous about joining a “memory loss” program. But the camaraderie of the group quickly turns anxieties into anticipation as families look forward to each next session.

“When my husband was first diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 67, I had no interest in a support group and I feared that exposing my husband to “Alzheimer’s patients” would exacerbate his anxiety and depression, as he was still in the early stages. I was wrong. What I found with the Mind and Body Workshop was a group of caring, realistic, well-informed people (many younger than we were) who could share their fears and frustrations and offer practical suggestions, as well as a coordinator who was extremely knowledgeable and experiences in all aspects of care. What my husband found was a group of people that he could be comfortable with. We both look forward to our weekly sessions.” – Mind and Body Workshop attendee

Families look forward to the program all year long. The workshop series has traditionally been offered several times throughout the year using seasonal topics and themes to promote cognitive enhancement, creative expression, movement, purpose, reflection, and overall well-being while living with memory loss. It was sadly put on hold during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, so we are more than looking forward to bring the program back in-person this spring!

The upcoming Mind & Body Workshop: Building Hope series in March 2022 is special for two important reasons: first, it is the first Mind & Body Workshop being held since before the pandemic, and second, it is the first series being held in our new Sterling Early Stage Center! We welcome families experiencing MCI or early-stage dementia to engage in this 4-week series, which features activities and guest presenters such as LEGO® Serious Play®, yoga & meditation, a discussion of the latest dementia treatments and research, and an art project building upon the theme of hope. The series also features breakout sessions, where care partners have a chance to learn, connect, and support each other in an educational support session, while those living with the diagnosis connect, are challenged, and laugh together through peer support activities. And then we wrap up our session each week “breaking bread” together over a delicious dinner!

"The Mind & Body Workshop has been a tremendous boon to us. Those of us who have been attending for some time have 'bonded' and feel like a kind of 'family.' Both caregivers and our loved ones look forward to attending." – Mind and Body Workshop attendee

We are looking forward to welcoming families back to this program!

Questions? Ready to Enroll? If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity for you and your loved one to nurture your mind and body with a community of others who understand what you are going through, please contact Lindsey at or 703-270-0043.






"I like that IMCC focuses on dementia-related problems and provides a focal point for families to network and socially interact in coping with dementia. It provides a community that helps us in our struggle."