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February is Recreation Therapy Month

More than Fun: Recreation Therapy

If you spend a day at Insight, you’ll see participants engaged in a variety of activities, everything from art to exercise to discussion groups. What you may not see, behind the scenes, is all the planning that goes into these activities - or recreation therapy. Beyond just filling the calendar with fun activities - which is definitely part of the job! - activities are designed to be person-centered and provide therapeutic benefits for each of our participants.

In honor of February being Recreational Therapy Month, we would like to share a little more about what a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist - or CTRS - is and how they play a role in your loved one’s care.


First, what is a therapeutic recreation specialist?

Therapeutic recreation specialists improve the well-being of individuals who have illnesses or disabilities through treatment services and recreation activities. They use therapy methods such as sports, arts and crafts, dance, music, and other techniques to reduce stress, improve functioning, and build confidence for their clients and patients. They observe and document reactions, participation, and progress. A CTRS may choose to specialize in a certain type of treatment, such as aquatic therapy or art therapy.

A certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS) is a professional who works to improve the mental, emotional, and physical well-being for individuals with a diagnosis or disability. A CTRS possesses certification by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). This credential serves as evidence to employers and clients that you are a service provider who adheres to quality standards.

This field is something we are passionate about at Insight. The benefits of recreational therapy are endless, and this month is a perfect time to recognize the transformative impact it has on individuals’ lives.


What are the benefits of recreational therapy?

When participants come to Insight, they complete an assessment form, which helps our staff develop a care plan for each participant. Recreation therapy is incorporated into the plan, and continually evaluated and documented to monitor how the participant is responding, and so we can update as needed. Benefits of recreational therapy that we typically see for our participants include reducing depression, stress, and anxiety; recovering or maintaining basic motor functioning and reasoning abilities; building confidence and independence; and providing opportunities for socialization skills.

Having Recreational Therapists onsite who create intentional programming adds a layer of depth that we wouldn’t have without specialists. This programming enhances our participants overall experience, fostering personal growth, and quality of life.


Are there CTRS credentialed staff members at Insight?

Insight is fortunate to have not one – but three! - current staff members with their CTRS credentials. In addition to our staff, Insight provides opportunities for recreation therapy students to do their internships with us each semester. This opportunity brought us Ericha Abellanosa. She brought fresh eyes and enthusiasm to our day center during her 600-hour internship, and we got even luckier when she joined our early-stage Reconnections program in Fairfax and Alexandria as a staff member. This past fall we are excited to share that Ericha passed her CTRS exam. This is no easy feat; we congratulate her!

We have two other staff members at Insight with their CTRS certification that we are lucky to have working with our participants and families: Melissa Para, Early Stage Coordinator, and Melissa Long, Director of Education and Support. They all assisted with our recent Obie Research Study and are always thinking outside the box to challenge and engage our participants and families.

Happy Recreational Therapy Month!


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