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Meet Me: Community Outings

Meet Me: At Meadowlark Botanical Gardens

Meet Me: Community Outings are free, and give families living with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early stage memory loss an opportunity to connect and stay engaged in the community, in a safe and supportive way. Outings are designed for both the diagnosed individual and a care partner or friend to participate together, and meet new friends in the process!

Let’s enjoy late summer blooms on our walk through Meadowlark Botanical Gardens! Join in a guided tour leading you to the best sights of the gardens. We go at a pace that everyone can enjoy and take in the sights and sounds of the Gardens. Be sure to wear good walking shoes and bring a bottle of water for this walk. We will walk at the pace of the group and select walkways that is best for everyone’s mobility status. Light refreshments will be provided.

Many thanks to I'm Still Here for providing funding for this program so that families can participate for free!

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"We participate in as many educational, support and social activities as possible which have given us hope, knowledge, strength, and friendships. So many wonderful activities help us navigate through a very challenging time in our lives. I really don't think I could keep my husband at home if it weren't for IMCC."