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36th Annual Caregivers Conference: Caregiving with Inspiration and Hope

Thursday, November 10, 2022
10:00 am12:30 pm

Please join the Northern Virginia Dementia Care Consortium for the 36th Annual Caregivers Conference: Caregiving with Inspiration and Hope. This year, the conference will be held virtually, spread out over three days of fantastic presentations. Join us!

If you've attended the conference in the past, you know what an educational and inspirational event it can be. And if you've never been to the Northern Virginia Dementia Caregiver's Conference, please come join us - we know you'll be glad you came. The conference features an array of presentations for family caregivers and for professionals.

Conference Schedule:

Day One | Wednesday, November 9
The 36 Hour Day
10:15 am to 11:55 am
Presented by Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH, author or co-author of eight books including "The 36-Hour Day."

Let's Improvise! Navigating Dementia (and Life) With Creativity, Humanity, and Joy
11:20 am to 12:20 pm
Presented by Mary Fridley, East Side Institute

Day Two | Thursday, November 10
Unmasking Alzheimer's: Evaluation, Treatment, and Clinical Trials
10:15 am to 11:45 am
Presented by Kathleen Johnson, MSN, ANP-BC, Clinical Trial Nurse Practitioner

Meaningful Music
11:55 am to 12:25 pm
Presented by Leanne Belasco, MS, LPMT, MT-BC, Levine Music

Day Three | Friday, November 11
Communicating With a Loved One with Dementia
10:15 am to 11:15 am
Presented by Pam Ostrowski, CSA, CDP, CEO, Alzheimer's Family Consulting

Celebrating Creativity in Elder Care
11:20 am to 12:20 pm
Presented by Gary Glazner, Executive Director, Alzheimer's Poetry Project


"I like the people, the programs, the support, the knowledge I gained as caregiver. That my wife flourished (and was improving, I thought) while she participated."