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Caregiver Training




Dementia and Firearms: Navigating a Difficult Situation

Dementia-related illnesses can impair a person’s senses and abilities to perform complex tasks—such as operating a firearm—safely, putting both their own safety and the safety of others at risk. However, the loss of independence in activities they've done for many years can be a challenging and emotional experience. This presentation will guide caregivers on how to handle these sensitive situations with respect, ensuring the safety of both themselves and their loved ones.


The Be SMART campaign was launched in 2015 to promote responsible gun ownership in order to reduce the deaths, injuries and trauma that can result when a child or teen is able to access a gun. Since that time, Be SMART volunteers have encouraged community leaders to come together to emphasize the importance of gun safety and the everyday actions we all can take to keep guns out of the hands of kids.


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