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Caregiver Training

Care Partner Training Class Series



Is It Lewy? Information and Support from the Lewy Body Dementia Association

January 11, 2023
Lewy body dementias (LBD) affect an estimated 1.4 million individuals in the United States. Though many families are affected by this disease, few individuals and medical professionals are aware of the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, or even that LBD exists! Join us to learn more common symptoms, presentations of LBD, and ways to live well going forward.


Brandi Hackett, LMSW, C-ASWCM
Manager of Support Services, Lewy Body Dementia Association

Brandi attained her BA from Shorter College and MSW from the University of Georgia. Since graduating in 2004, she has worked in a variety of settings primarily with older adults. She began her role with the Lewy Body Dementia Association as Manager of Support Services in September 2020 where she supports individuals, care partners, and LBDA volunteers. She is published for her article on “Compassion Fatigue” in the Journal for Certified Senior Advisors and has presented multiple CE classes for allied health professionals.

Additional Resources

LBDA Lewy Line - We offer our Lewy Line which is a helpline specifically for those living with LBD and their loved ones. It is also helpful for professionals supporting individuals with LBD or presenting symptoms. LBDA Support Services staff and trained volunteers can provide guidance and resources as well as to connect with support opportunities.

You can also reach support through






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